Friday, May 22, 2020

You Should Pay Attention To This!

Katy Perry - Rove - August 16 2009


Katy Perry Interview The Hot Hits Up Close & Personal Part 1

Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below of the turning away
Katy Perry Worldwide Fan Club on facebook @kpworld1 is a page that openly cheats in the voting for awards for Katy Perry all sorts of cheating is rife on its timeline ANIK KARMOKAR is the owner and takes twitter accs of 'kittens' he calls the fans and abuses the VTMA awards katy perry awards are rigged return her awards she admits it herself calling all her awards 'worthless' @katyperry buys over half her follows and likes and the Katy Perry facebook presence is used for child sex abuse grooming ban Katy Perry from social media we can do without paedophile cheats๐Ÿ•ต️♂️๐Ÿ‘ฎ‍♂️๐Ÿ‘ฎ‍♀️๐Ÿ•ต️♀️๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍✈️๐Ÿ‘จ‍✈️๐Ÿ‘️๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‰
Dear MTV, I would be grateful if you could delete Katy Perry from the #MTVHottest Katy Perry voting for #VMAS #votekatyVMAS 2017 due to voting irregularities carried out by KATY PERRY SOCIAL MEDIA as we speak as they do every year discovered by underground journalist and Private Investigator on www.facebook/@kpworld1 Katy Perry World Wide Fan Club continue with other Official KP pages to use fake accounts for multiple votes and are persuading fans called by page owner ANIK KARMOKAR 'Kittens' they are so young to hand over fake twitter accounts they call them and their passwords to inbox of Shahriar Anik who uses them on tweetdeck to make multiple #VMAS votes by @anikchocolaty and @Kxtysboy in yet another concerted fraudulent exercise to con the public, MTV and Katy's fellow Award nominees in order for Katy to win yet another 'worthless' award she calls them recently in the Music press as Katy's company cheats at every public voting Award ceremony that is why she has won over 650 they use spambot software and buy the secret codes to enable KatyCats to clear the single one vote per person page after making their vote so they can make multiple votes and is orchestrated by Katy Perry clones and their MK Ultra Monarch sex slave handlers (usually pressing F5 after voting). They also cheat Radio station air play votes and requests to manipulate chart position and what else would we expect from @katyperry who has bought and paid for over 58% of their Twitter followers and social media likes and goes against the spirit of Award voting as the clones are seriously at it full time and persuade for example loyal mind controlled Monarch victims called KatyCats to open up multiple social media accounts which are against the terms of the sites like Facebook whose rules are one account per person on Facebook for example where some shady employees of Katy Perry Inc open literally hundreds of fake accounts and accs who limit you to one acc per your one mobile telephone number and you should inquire like I AM under 'freedom of information' legislation how many millions of Facebook + Twitter names contain the names KATY KATYCAT HUDSON KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON and PERRY as Facebook + Twitter are compliant in this flagrant abuse of their own rules as we are looking to the integrity of a mass voting actuary org like #MTV to take the lead and exclude Katy Perry as a nominee for award ceremonies which cast aspersions upon the Music Industry as a whole as Katy Perry social media is a front for more Paedophile grooming rings than any other operator currently (WARNING!) under secret police investigations on both sides of the Atlantic USA and UK. EG's of fake voting accounts on include the following I found on the @kpworld Facebook page are; @Kian8202 @KPizzas @guptautkarsh @Katyvotes4 @Katyvotes5 @Katyvotes6 @Katyvotes7 @Katyvotes9 and @Katyvotes. I suggest you take immediate action to remove the name of #MTV from the complicit frame by banning @katyperry from Award nominations as the story is being exposed on and Police forces are aware too. You may how I know so much because I AM a whistle blower and Katheryn Elizabeth Hudsons Katy Perry ♥:xD husband and search on for 'KATY PERRY EXPOSED' 'KP OCCULT EXPOSED' and 'KP ILLUMINATI EXPOSED' 'KP WITCHCRAFT EXPOSED' and 'KP BIRTHDAY BACKMASKED' and 'KP WIDE AWAKE BACKWARDS' and listen and watch the true Satanic Agenda of Illuminati Goddess Katy Perry, clones and mind control of the masses victims. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DON'T IGNORE THE JESUS CHRIST for he is your Messiah. ๐Ÿฆ‹
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below of the turning away
Katy Perry illuminati Super Bowl Half Time isis / Phoenix SOS EXPOSED:




Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.

Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.

Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.

However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails.

taylor and katy


Katy Perry Interview The Hot Hits Up Close & Personal Part 1

Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below of the turning away
Katy Perry Worldwide Fan Club on facebook @kpworld1 is a page that openly cheats in the voting for awards for Katy Perry all sorts of cheating is rife on its timeline ANIK KARMOKAR is the owner and takes twitter accs of 'kittens' he calls the fans and abuses the VTMA awards katy perry awards are rigged return her awards she admits it herself calling all her awards 'worthless' @katyperry buys over half her follows and likes and the Katy Perry facebook presence is used for child sex abuse grooming ban Katy Perry from social media we can do without paedophile cheats๐Ÿ•ต️♂️๐Ÿ‘ฎ‍♂️๐Ÿ‘ฎ‍♀️๐Ÿ•ต️♀️๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍✈️๐Ÿ‘จ‍✈️๐Ÿ‘️๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‰
Dear MTV, I would be grateful if you could delete Katy Perry from the #MTVHottest Katy Perry voting for #VMAS #votekatyVMAS 2017 due to voting irregularities carried out by KATY PERRY SOCIAL MEDIA as we speak as they do every year discovered by underground journalist and Private Investigator on www.facebook/@kpworld1 Katy Perry World Wide Fan Club continue with other Official KP pages to use fake accounts for multiple votes and are persuading fans called by page owner ANIK KARMOKAR 'Kittens' they are so young to hand over fake twitter accounts they call them and their passwords to inbox of Shahriar Anik who uses them on tweetdeck to make multiple #VMAS votes by @anikchocolaty and @Kxtysboy in yet another concerted fraudulent exercise to con the public, MTV and Katy's fellow Award nominees in order for Katy to win yet another 'worthless' award she calls them recently in the Music press as Katy's company cheats at every public voting Award ceremony that is why she has won over 650 they use spambot software and buy the secret codes to enable KatyCats to clear the single one vote per person page after making their vote so they can make multiple votes and is orchestrated by Katy Perry clones and their MK Ultra Monarch sex slave handlers (usually pressing F5 after voting). They also cheat Radio station air play votes and requests to manipulate chart position and what else would we expect from @katyperry who has bought and paid for over 58% of their Twitter followers and social media likes and goes against the spirit of Award voting as the clones are seriously at it full time and persuade for example loyal mind controlled Monarch victims called KatyCats to open up multiple social media accounts which are against the terms of the sites like Facebook whose rules are one account per person on Facebook for example where some shady employees of Katy Perry Inc open literally hundreds of fake accounts and accs who limit you to one acc per your one mobile telephone number and you should inquire like I AM under 'freedom of information' legislation how many millions of Facebook + Twitter names contain the names KATY KATYCAT HUDSON KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON and PERRY as Facebook + Twitter are compliant in this flagrant abuse of their own rules as we are looking to the integrity of a mass voting actuary org like #MTV to take the lead and exclude Katy Perry as a nominee for award ceremonies which cast aspersions upon the Music Industry as a whole as Katy Perry social media is a front for more Paedophile grooming rings than any other operator currently (WARNING!) under secret police investigations on both sides of the Atlantic USA and UK. EG's of fake voting accounts on include the following I found on the @kpworld Facebook page are; @Kian8202 @KPizzas @guptautkarsh @Katyvotes4 @Katyvotes5 @Katyvotes6 @Katyvotes7 @Katyvotes9 and @Katyvotes. I suggest you take immediate action to remove the name of #MTV from the complicit frame by banning @katyperry from Award nominations as the story is being exposed on and Police forces are aware too. You may how I know so much because I AM a whistle blower and Katheryn Elizabeth Hudsons Katy Perry ♥:xD husband and search on for 'KATY PERRY EXPOSED' 'KP OCCULT EXPOSED' and 'KP ILLUMINATI EXPOSED' 'KP WITCHCRAFT EXPOSED' and 'KP BIRTHDAY BACKMASKED' and 'KP WIDE AWAKE BACKWARDS' and listen and watch the true Satanic Agenda of Illuminati Goddess Katy Perry, clones and mind control of the masses victims. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DON'T IGNORE THE JESUS CHRIST for he is your Messiah. ๐Ÿฆ‹
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below of the turning away
Katy Perry illuminati Super Bowl Half Time isis / Phoenix SOS EXPOSED:




Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.

Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.

Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.

However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

kpctuk mem and arts swifty gallery

This charitable trust is a non-profit irrevocable trust set up for charitable purposes in the name of its patron Global singing superstar and UN Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry. It is set up and run from England and under English law it is a form of express trust dedicated to charitable goals. Exempt from most taxes’ freedom is given to the trustees as the trust demonstrates both a charitable purpose and all of its work is of public benefit. Its main purposes are:-
1) Relief of Poverty
2) Promotion of Education
3) Promotion of Spiritual Healing
4) Benefit of Animals
5) Disease Abolition
The trusts purposes benefit the public and not any individual and its chosen locality to offer particular help is LONDON and South East of England although a great deal of its work has a Global impact. The trust does not campaign for legal or political change although the trustees discuss political issues in a bi partisan neutral manner. The beneficiaries of the trust are represented by the Attorney General for England and Wales who as ‘parens patriae’ appears on behalf of the Crown. Any disputes arising at the trust are under the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice and the Charity Commission who regulate, promote and provide advice and opinions to the Trustees.

Twin Flame Energy Report ~ Union Imminent for Illumined Twin Flames


taylor and katy pics